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蓝 Blue

branding design

Copyright © 2018 Gong Yiling. All rights reserved.

在这款名为“蓝”的日记 app 中,人们可以随手记录二三感想并选择一块颜色标记当下的情绪,窥探当天和自己选择相同色卡的另一个人的浪漫人生。“蓝”希望人们在浮躁喧哗的城市生活中,能通过日记的方式获得自我审视与人间观察。在这里只有一类颜色,用最纯粹的方式去记忆最微妙的心情。



In this app, the user can record his mood conveniently and choose a kind of color to mark the mood, then he can re-ceive another person's diary who chooses the same color as his. "Blue" hopes that people liveing in blundering and roaring cities can achieve their self-examination and obser-vations on others in the way of writing diaries. There is only one kind of color and we use the simpliest way to memorize our mood.


Painting is his way to record his life and observe others' life. A person's life experience may become another's obser-vation. I extract some characters in paintings of Picasso's Blue Period to explore subtle and accidental associativity of emotion between different people.

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