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I'm a Chinese Shanghai-based independent graphic designer and self-publisher.

Living genuinely and working hard. Respecting others and being honest with myself. Striving to become more patient, gentle, soft and tough, imaginative about the pain of others, and still able to be moved by simple beauty. 

Loving what I work for, making a series of pure efforts for what I love, and finding firm confidence in daily labor. Always enjoying poetry and sunset, and always appreciate art and life. The ultimate aim is physical health and spiritual freedom.


2019 - 2020

Master of Philosophy

Design History and Theory

Tongji University | GPA: 4.69/5


2015 - 2019

Bachelor of Arts

Media & Visual communication Design

Tongji University | GPA: 4.62/5



Visual design for 2021 AW Trade Show.

Product manual design for ZUCZUG 4M36.

Shopping mall fence / light box / hanging flag / DP point / banner / POP design.

Online store banner design and live broadcast poster design.

Public account related design.

Branding card design, packaging design, office system material design.

2021.03 - so far

Rockbund Art Museum

Online issue layout design.

Animated poster design of Towards...2021.

Branding identity system design for Khek Dhang Ke.

Gift design for RAM × ZhongAn Insurance : 2021 New Year Gift.

2020.08 - 2021.2

Tongji Curatorial Lab

Poster design for Powers of Display at 2019 Pan-Tongji Design Week

2020.07 - 2020.08

Bananafish Books

Bookstore operations.

Assisted in risograph printing projects.

Assisted in Kazunari Hattori: Graphics on Books exhibition display.

Participated in Kazunari Hattori's handmade risograph publication of Flags.

Assisted in the exhibitions of Back to Pages: Artists' books, Use Value, and Dooks Books & Works.

Organized 2019 Color Study RISO Calendar Workshop.

2018.09 - 2019.01

Chronus Art Center

Exhibition material design.

Leaflet design.

Poster design for workshops and lectures.

2018.07 - 2018.09

Tect Electronics

RF&Microwave product catalog design.

2018.01 - 2018.02


 © 2020-2021 Gong Yiling. All rights reserved.

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